Blackstone Griddle Smash Burger – Recipe, How To Cook

The Blackstone Griddle has become a popular cooking tool for outdoor enthusiasts and grill masters. Its large cooking surface and even heat distribution provide an ideal platform for creating delicious meals.

One dish to cook on your Blackstone that has gained particular popularity is the Smash Burger. We will provide a detailed recipe and instructions on how to cook the perfect Blackstone Griddle Smash Burger.

So grab your spatula and elevate your burger game with the Blackstone Griddle!

Table of Contents

How To Cook A Burger On A Blackstone Griddle

Cooking a burger on a Blackstone griddle at the right temperature is important to achieve the desired results.

smash burger

To achieve the perfect blackstone griddle smash burger, it is crucial to cooking it at a specific temperature that ensures a mouthwatering sear and juicy interior.

smash burger press

When using a blackstone grill or flat top, follow these guidelines for cooking burger patties:

  • Preheat the griddle to medium-high heat, around 375 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place the burger patties on the hot griddle surface and press them firmly with a spatula to create that signature smash effect.
  • Cook the burgers for approximately 2-3 minutes per side or until they develop a caramelized crust and reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Avoid pressing down on the patties too frequently, which can cause excessive moisture loss.
smash burger cooked

What Temperature Do You Cook It At?

The ideal temperature for cooking a burger on a Blackstone griddle is 375-400 degrees Fahrenheit. This ensures the burger cooks evenly and develops a crispy exterior while remaining juicy.

By adhering to these temperature recommendations and techniques, you can ensure that your blackstone griddle smash burgers turn out deliciously flavorful and perfectly cooked every time.

How Long To Cook A Burger On A Blackstone Griddle

As for the cooking time, it usually takes about 2-3 minutes per side to cook a burger on a Blackstone griddle, depending on its thickness and desired level of doneness. Flipping the burger only once during cooking is important to ensure even browning and prevent it from becoming dry.

Blackstone Griddle Smash Burger Recipe

Blackstone Griddle Smash Burgers are a delicious and easy-to-make meal that can be enjoyed by anyone. Here is a recipe that you can use to make your own Blackstone Griddle Smash Burgers:Ingredients:

  • 1 pound ground beef (80/20 blend)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 slices American cheese
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • Butter
  • Optional toppings: lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, ketchup, mustard, mayo

An essential tool for achieving the perfect texture and shape of a Blackstone griddle smash burger is a high-quality burger press. This specialized kitchen utensil plays a crucial role in creating uniformity and maximizing the flavors of the patty.

I like the Cuisinart Grill Press (available here). It is not made specifically for burgers, but I like that it is versatile to do burgers and other things like bacon.

A good burger press ensures that the meat is evenly compressed, allowing for even cooking and preventing air pockets from forming within the patty. By applying consistent pressure, it helps create that desired thin, crispy crust on the outside while retaining juiciness.

A burger press can also assist in shaping the patty into a perfect circle or square, depending on personal preference. Investing in a well-designed press with adjustable thickness settings allows versatility and customization according to individual taste preferences.

With its ability to enhance texture and presentation, a recommended Blackstone griddle burger press becomes an indispensable tool for any avid home cook or professional chef looking to elevate their smash burgers to new heights of culinary perfection.

Blackstone Griddle Burger Kits

The Blackstone 5024 Professional Hamburger Tool Kit (available here) is a set of high-quality tools designed to help you make perfect burgers on your Blackstone griddle. Here’s what you need to know about this kit:

What’s included: The kit includes a burger press, a burger spatula, and a burger chopper. Each tool is made from durable stainless steel and has a comfortable, ergonomic handle.

  1. Burger press: The burger press is designed to help you create perfectly shaped burgers every time. Simply place a ball of ground beef in the press, flatten it with the press, and you’re ready to cook. The press is adjustable so that you can make burgers in a variety of sizes.
  2. Burger spatula: The burger spatula is a wide, flat spatula that’s perfect for flipping burgers on your griddle. It’s also great for transferring burgers from the griddle to the bun. The spatula has a beveled edge that makes it easy to slide under the burger without damaging it.
  3. Burger chopper: A burger chopper is a unique tool designed to help you create crispy, crunchy edges on your burgers. Press the chopper on the burger while cooking to create a seared edge. The chopper is also great for breaking up the ground beef as it cooks.

Benefits: The Blackstone 5024 Professional Hamburger Tool Kit can help you make better burgers on your Blackstone griddle. The tools are designed to work together to create perfectly shaped, evenly cooked burgers with crispy edges. Plus, the kit is easy to clean and store so that you can use it repeatedly.

Overall, the Blackstone 5024 Professional Hamburger Tool Kit is a great investment for anyone who loves to cook burgers on their Blackstone griddle. You can create delicious, restaurant-quality burgers in your backyard with these high-quality tools.


In conclusion, cooking burgers on a Blackstone griddle is a simple yet satisfying process that yields delicious results every time. Whether you use a burger press or shape them by hand, these smash burgers will surely be crowd-pleasers at any gathering or mealtime occasion.

One interesting statistic about cooking burgers on a Blackstone griddle is that they can be cooked in significantly less time than traditional grill cooking methods. The griddle’s direct heat and surface area allow for quick and even cooking, resulting in burgers that are ready to enjoy in just a few minutes.

This time-saving aspect is particularly beneficial for those short on time or host a large gathering where multiple burgers must be cooked at once. So, next time you’re craving a juicy burger, consider firing your Blackstone griddle for a quick and delicious meal.

Jimmy Carroll

About The Author

Jimmy is the culinary adventurer behind Jimmy is not only committed to demystifying the art of outdoor cooking but also to sharing his latest findings and techniques. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned pro, Jimmy welcomes you to join in the exploration of this flavorful outdoor journey.